Revolutions Podcast Series Bible

Revolutions Podcast Series Bible


Inspired by true events, Revolutions presents an alternate history in which Marie Antoinette escapes the French Revolution, arrives in America and, desperate for redemption and a chance to restore her family’s honour, sets out on an improbable quest to rule again.

Meanwhile, in a divided present-day America, history is turned on its head as Marie’s descendant Louise Antoinette is driven to lead a modern-day revolution against a polarizing new President – who also happens to be her father…


What do you do when you’re a Queen and everything that you have – all of the wealth, power and influence that you’ve always had and assumed you’d have forever – is suddenly taken from you?

Revolutions presents a dramatic alternate history in which Marie Antoinette escapes the French Revolution and arrives in America where she begins a new life with little more than her two children and the clothes on her back. She has been given a clean slate, and a remarkable second chance to not only live, but to finally live a life of her own choosing.

But Marie has grand plans. Desperate to redeem herself and honour her family’s legacy (her mother was the popular Empress of Austria), Marie dreams of another improbable rise to power. She yearns to prove that she can be an effective - and popular - leader. Thanks to her time as Queen, she already enjoys relationships with the likes of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, and Americans would be largely sympathetic to her given that they would not have won the American Revolution without her and King Louis XVI’s aide. Besides, this is America – isn’t anything possible? In Canada, where the story will also take her, the french population of Lower Canada (Quebec) also welcome her and have plans of their own for the former French Queen.

And yet Marie is torn. Nobody knows better the terrible price that can come with power. Would the wiser choice not be to settle down, live a quiet, anonymous life and raise her children without the continued threat of the guillotine?

A dramatic transformation potentially awaits this former Queen, but will redemption and honour come at a price too dear to pay...?

Meanwhile, in a parallel-storyline set in the present-day, America is divided and boiling over. Here, in an ironic twist on history, we find Marie’s descendant Louise Antoinette about to lead a modern-day revolution against a polarizing new president. And that president is none other than her father...

We realize that in the previous 200 years, thanks largely to Marie, the Antoinettes have indeed regained their wealth and power and, in a case of history seemingly repeating itself, the family patriarch is again unpopularly ruling a country and incurring the wrath of its citizens.

Horrified, Louise – much like Marie – finds herself torn between redeeming the family’s honour and the terrible price that she will have to pay to do so: quite possibly having to destroy her own family...

In Revolutions, the two storylines are interwoven in order to connect the dots between Marie’s story in the late 1700’s and Louise’s present-day story (in similar fashion to This Is Us). As the series progresses, more timelines may be introduced to further illustrate the Antoinettes’ rise to power through various generations and dramatic periods in history (picture The Gold Rush, The Civil War, WWI, the Great Depression - we may reveal surprises in this alternate timeline such as JFK being married to an Antoinette, etc...).

Weaving these storylines together allows us to accentuate parallel action, cause and effect, recurring themes, vicious cycles, lessons learned and more, resulting in a rich, multi-layered world and series.


While Revolutions is of course a fantastical story, the extent to which its premise is rooted in historical fact will surprise many viewers. The plot to rescue Marie Antoinette from the guillotine that is central to the Pilot is in fact based almost entirely on real-life circumstances and characters.

James Swan and Stephen Clough – the shipping baron and sea captain who play an integral role in Marie’s escape – are real life characters, and there is much evidence that this plot did indeed exist, including a plan for Marie to live in Clough’s home upon reaching America. In fact, Clough’s Maine estate has since become known as “The Marie Antoinette House”. Garments and furnishings from Marie’s estate can also be found in Maine – suggesting that Clough’s ship was in fact loaded with her possessions and planning to escape France before the Queen’s beheading.

One of the most charming pieces of evidence of this attempted escape is that the cat breed now known as the Maine Coone is believed to have descended from Marie Antoinette’s beloved Turkish Angora cats who were aboard Clough’s ship and who mated with local Maine cats upon the ship’s arrival on American soil.

Another major real-life character is Axel Von Fersen. He and Marie maintained a simmering relationship for many years, and he worked closely with the King and Queen to mastermind a number of their real-life escape attempts.

Marie and her family were imprisoned at the Temple Prison in Paris just as the Pilot depicts, and the carnations used to deliver Marie a secret message in the Pilot were inspired by the notorious real-life “Carnation Plot” – one of many failed attempts to see her escape.

These historical facts, details and characters give Revolutions a solid grounding in reality, and will no doubt thrill the history enthusiasts among our audience.


The title Revolutions refers not only to the revolutions that are central to the series – the French Revolution in Marie’s storyline and the modern day revolution in Louise’s story (not to mention the American Revolution which touched many of our characters’ lives) – but also the notion that history repeats itself, that what comes around goes around - the “revolutions” within this sense of circular time.

Revolutions explores three major themes that are intertwined throughout the series:

Fate vs. Free Will

The idea that history repeats itself is a familiar one and we’ve seen countless examples making a case for the idea that, as the saying goes, if we don’t learn from the mistakes of the past we are doomed to repeat them. Throughout the Pilot, characters ruminate on their fate, contemplate their freedom, and question whether they’re all just caught in the rut of history’s repetitive cycle.

In the present-day storyline, the fact that the Antoinettes are once again unpopularly ruling a country (America) suggests that, whatever success Marie achieves during her second chance, history may in fact be repeating itself. Or can Marie’s descendent Louise Antoinette intervene and set history on a new course...?

Honour At What Cost?

Honour – both personal and family honour – and what one is prepared to do to preserve or defend it are central motivations for both Marie and Louise Antoinette.

Upon escaping the French Revolution, and given a second chance at life, Marie is forced to choose between living a new, simple and safe life with her children in America, or dedicating herself to ruling again in order to redeem both her, and her family’s, honour - with the knowledge that doing so could put herself and her family at great risk again. This is her dilemma.

Meanwhile, in the present day, Louise Antoinette is faced with the dilemma of defending the Antoinette name and honour with the knowledge that to do so she must, ironically, bring down her own father…

Second Chances & Redemption

For Marie Antoinette, escaping the guillotine offers the most precious second chance of all – literally a chance to live, and to start over. Her life to this point has been predetermined, from being married off to a stranger at age 14, to being made a royal in a country she knew nothing about, to being sentenced to death for acts that she had little influence over or responsibility for.

So, what do you do when all of the wealth and power that you’ve always had, and assumed you’d have forever, is suddenly taken away from you? Now, escaping France for the shores of America, Marie has a rare chance to start over and live a life of her own choosing, on her own terms. By the end of the Pilot, Marie is intent on using this fresh start to redeem herself by ultimately rising to power again and proving herself to be a successful ruler. Whether that will be the best use of her second chance remains to be seen...



(NOTE: In Marie Antoinette’s storyline, Marie, Axel, Clough, Swan and Marie’s children are all real-life figures and presented with a high degree of historical accuracy.)


Imagine being 14 years old, getting shipped off to a foreign country, forced to marry a man you’ve never met, taking on the highest position in the land – one you’re supremely unqualified for – and being tasked to rule over a people who, for centuries, have been conditioned to hate anyone from your own country. Sound like a recipe for success? And so began the life, and story, of Marie Antoinette.

The infamous Teen Queen, Marie Antoinette was in many ways the prototypical Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian – famous for being famous without having actually done anything to earn her wealth and position. A veritable teen idol, Marie captivated the French people during her earliest years in Versailles. But, with her destiny pre-determined at such a young age, Marie never had a chance to discover her true self, to live a life of her own making, or even love someone of her own choosing. In the end, all of Versailles’ glitter and gold couldn’t mask the emptiness in Marie’s heart and soul.

In reality, she never did earn the love or approval of her mother, her husband, or even the French people. Her sole “job” as Queen was to produce an heir to the throne – a task made virtually impossible by a condition that rendered her husband virtually impotent for the first years of their marriage. Of course the blame – and shame – fell on Marie. When she finally produced a son – 11 years later – he tragically died at age 7 (and a daughter before the age of 1).

Marie masked the resulting pain with epic doses of – what else – retail therapy, and her outlandish spending on fashions and the remodeling of Versailles became rich fodder for the earliest gossip pamphlets that proved to be the ancestors of TMZ. Blaming her – a Queen with little influence – for all of France’s problems became all the rage, and it wasn’t long before her neck was literally on the chopping block.

Despite experiencing more wealth and power than most people could ever dream of, Marie yearns for the most basic things: freedom, love, and a chance to determine her own destiny.

In Revolutions, Marie, at age 37, narrowly avoids the guillotine and, with what remains of her shattered family, is finally given a chance to achieve exactly those things. But in order to prove that everyone was wrong about her, she’ll have to learn the lessons of the past while navigating a new, highly unexpected and improbable future...


Brave, dashing, and worldly, Axel von Fersen (37) possesses all the characteristics of a true hero (not surprisingly, he was played by none other than Tyrone Power in the 1938 film “Marie Antoinette”.) Not only a soldier but also a Swedish Count, Axel instantly became the object of Marie’s infatuation when she first laid eyes on him at age 18. His charisma is such that, despite his obvious connection with Marie, he also managed to earn the King’s trust and was a welcome insider at Versailles for many years.

Axel’s fearless nature, lust for adventure, and fierce loyalty led him to such heroic acts as fighting in the American revolution – where he was decorated by General George Washington himself – as well as masterminding Louis and Marie’s most elaborate real-life escape attempt during the Revolution – the infamous Flight to Varennes.

Axel brings a healthy dose of swashbuckling action, heart-pounding heroism and swoon-worthy chivalry to Revolutions. And now, he will finally have the chance to consummate his long-simmering relationship with Marie, but he’ll have to find her in America first...


Swan (30) is a man of many careers: financier, shipping magnate, and land baron (he once owned over 2 million acres of land in the US). Much like an old school Richard Branson, Swan – despite his enormous wealth – consistently sought out adventure and projects so daunting that few sane men would take them on. For instance, following the American Revolution, he actually assumed the entire debt owed by the U.S. to France and resold it at profit on the market. No surprise then that he would become immersed in one of history’s greatest plots – the escape of Marie Antoinette from revolutionary France to America.

Having emigrated from Scotland to the U.S. as a boy and gone on to build his own empire, Swan is the embodiment of the American Dream and should make an ideal guide and mentor for Marie as she attempts to rebuild her own life in America. He serves as her entrée to America’s political and industrial elite – introductions that will play a key role in Marie’s re-ascension to power.

The question remains though, what does Swan ultimately want in return for risking so much for a woman he’s never even met...?


This salty sailor and captain of the sloop “Sally” plays a key role in Marie’s escape – not only ferrying her out of France and across the Atlantic, but offering her refuge in his Maine home upon their arrival in America.

Having previously fought in the American Revolution with the aim of ridding America of the British Monarchy, Clough (32) is an ironic character and unlikely hero in the rescue of a Queen. He had little to gain, and everything to lose. This is an experience that will no doubt change him and how he sees the world and, as a result, he will be heavily invested in seeing Marie shine in America.

Clough’s rough-around-the-edges character will serve to bring out the real Marie – the fragile, fractured side of a widow and mother who has been through hell and who wants nothing more than to strip the vestiges of her life away and start over. Earning a deep belly laugh from this crusty captain is its own reward and one which Marie will come to cherish even more than the prized gowns that he smuggled to America for her.


From living a fairy tale life in Versailles to experiencing the horrors of the Temple Prison and the execution of their father, these two youngsters (Therese, 14 and Louise Charles, 7) have already lived a thousand lives in their few years. Naturally, this will likely result in all manner of emotional issues that they and their mother will be forced to deal with as they grow up, all while trying to adjust to a dramatically new way of life in America.

As the only survivors of Marie’s four children, they are cherished by their mother above all else. But preserving their safety – and what remains of their innocence – is a goal that may well conflict with Marie’s quest to rise to power again...



Unlike most of her contemporaries, Louise Antoinette (35) has learned many of the lessons that history has to offer. She’s a worldly, fiercely intelligent, and highly compassionate modern woman.

A wealthy New Yorker with a world-famous name, Louise doesn’t flaunt her wealth and position, nor is she ashamed by it. Rather, she uses it as a tool to do good works through her Antoinette Foundation for Equality, a foundation funded by Marie’s estate and that continues the legacy of good work that became a hallmark of Marie’s years in America.

Clearly the black sheep of the modern-day Antoinettes, Louise is mortified that her parents are living down to Marie’s Versailles-era reputation. With the family honour now at stake, Louise is spurred to take action.

Of course, being a 1%’er turns out to be the perfect cover from which to lead a revolution while representing the other 99%. As such, Louise has a virtual alter ego as she moves from one world to the other, all while keeping her cover up in the face of her family.

Knowing that the country is on the verge of exploding, Louise is determined that an Antoinette finally be on the right side of a revolution, even if it means having to fracture the most powerful family in the land – her own.


Roguish and enigmatic, Marco (36) is the type of guy that you feel you never really know. You may hear things about him that might be shocking, yet somehow never surprising.

The brawn to Louise’s brains, Marco and Louise complement each other in powerful ways. Where she’s smart, he’s cunning; she plans, and he executes. Confident, secure, and willing to do anything for his partner, Marco takes no issue with playing a supporting role to Louise’s alpha female. He knows that Louise has the potential to be, and do, something very special, and he’s willing to do anything to help her succeed. Marco also helps keep this Antoinette connected to the streets – and to people like the Russian that will be instrumental to helping her cause succeed.

Whether his rough-around-the-edges qualities remain an asset to Louise or ultimately become a liability remains to be seen, but starting a revolution is a risky business that requires getting your hands dirty, and for now Louise couldn’t have a more able-bodied partner in her mission.


Roxy is Louise’s trusty right-hand girl. Though she provides everything from croissants to comic relief, Roxy is no mere assistant. While Louise is a powerful woman who was born into fame and fortune, Roxy embodies the opposite journey – a feisty, ambitious young woman who, with the help of a strong female mentor, makes her own way to the top. A history buff who is fascinated with her boss’s ancestry, Roxy is adept at pointing out to Louise – and to us – the various symmetries that exist between the events occurring in the present, and those of the past.


As the former Governor of Louisiana (Louisiana being part of the famous Louisiana Purchase made by Thomas Jefferson with – in Revolutions – the help of Marie Antoinette) Henry Antoinette has now risen to the highest office in the land.

Unfortunately, he and wife Camille blatantly recall the free-spending, tone-deaf Versailles-era Louis XVI and Marie – right down to their over-the-top “chateau” in the Hamptons. Even their southern, French-tinged accents harken back to that era in Antoinette history.

Now freely spending the fortune that Marie rebuilt during her years in America, while also unpopularly ruling the country, these Antoinettes elicit a natural “here we go again!” reaction from much of the populace. Though they are not evil people, they are clearly living in a bubble, oblivious to the mood of a large part of the country, and completely lacking the self awareness to recognize that they are becoming prime examples of what happens when we don’t learn from the past.

While they are proud of their daughter and the good works she’s been doing through her Antoinette Foundation for Equality, they also wish she could just lighten up a bit. Would it kill her to let loose at one of their Ragin’ Cajun parties at the Louisiana compound, or sing the praises of her father at a fundraiser now and again?

When they find out that Louise will not only not be lightening up any time soon but is actually fanning the flames of a revolution aimed at dethroning them from the highest seat in the land, Henry and Camille will undoubtedly lose their minds, if not their heads...



On the verge of arriving in America, the Sally is shipwrecked. Marie, her children, Swan, Clough and a soaked Turkish Angora cat make it to shore with little more than the shirts on their backs – all of Marie’s possessions are lost at sea.

Now without a thing to their names, Marie and her children settle inconspicuously into Clough’s home on the coast of Maine. Clough and his wife nurse Marie back to health, while Marie gets a taste of a much simpler life than she lived at Versailles. Clough tries valiantly to protect her anonymity – if word returned to France that Marie was in America, it could be trouble for Marie, and for America.

While Maine proves the perfect setting to safely raise her children in, will this life be enough for Marie? A fire still burns in her to prove everyone wrong – that she can be a worthy leader and rule again at the will of the people, and to make her family proud...

Marie begins a relationship with Swan – he’s wealthy, well connected, and can provide her with a life similar to what she left behind in France. Swan urges Marie to move into his mansion in Boston, but Marie resists, enjoying the simple life in Maine, for now...

Swan arranges a discreet meeting with President George Washington in the US capital of Philadelphia. While there, Marie is re-introduced to Thomas Jefferson (now Washington’s Secretary of State), whom she previously met when he was Ambassador to France.

Washington’s cabinet are alarmed to see her, but don’t yet take her seriously – her teen Queen reputation still very much on their minds. Now without wealth or status, Marie’s value to any of these men has disintegrated. What has she done for them lately? And what could she possibly do for them now?

Washington, however, who relied on France’s aid under Marie and Louis’ reign to ensure America’s victory over the British in the American Revolution, extends Marie a warm welcome. He is indebted to her, and he offers to help her in any way he can.

Before Marie can take advantage of Washington’s offer, Philadelphia is ravaged by the infamous outbreak of the deadly Yellow Fever epidemic. Washington and the government flee the city, while Marie, moved by the plight of its citizens, remains and assists in the treatment of victims, putting herself at great risk. In so doing, she begins her transformation into a compassionate leader, and someone who, despite her previous privilege, now puts the people’s needs ahead of her own.

Returning home to Maine, Marie’s experience in Philadelphia, combined with her meeting with President Washington, fuels her ambition and she begins to see the potential of what she could become. She plans a return to Philadelphia to take Washington up on his offer.

Wreckage from Clough’s ship finally washes ashore, including shreds of the dozens of dresses he had smuggled out for Marie. Rumours abound regarding the true nature of Clough’s cargo, and of his houseguest...

As rumours of Marie’s presence circulate among the locals, the French ambassador confirms her presence in America and sends word back to France...

France places a rich bounty on Marie’s head, and it isn’t long before mercenaries arrive on America’s shores – Marie’s neck once again quite literally on the line...

Recognizing the impending danger, Swan begs Marie to join him in Boston. Marie finally relents and Swan is ecstatic, having at last won the hand of the Queen he’d set his sights on in the Pilot.

But, as Marie hurriedly prepares to join Swan in Boston, her plans are turned upside down by the startling arrival of a most unexpected visitor – Axel von Fersen...


In an effort to provide her father with a graceful exit, Louise uses the Russian to anonymously reveal the details of the hack to Henry, and provides him with an ultimatum: resign or the incriminating information will be released to the public.

Henry refuses to consider a deal, forcing Louise to wrestle with the idea of publicly destroying her father.

Ultimately, Louise leaks the data, adding fuel to the existing outrage of millions of Americans. The leaked data causes a scandal, leading to an outcry for Henry’s resignation of the Presidency.

The FBI begins an investigation into the President’s conduct as well as trying to uncover the source of the hack, thus putting Louise at risk of exposure.

As the FBI closes in on the Russian, he threatens to expose Louise as his client and the ultimate source of the leak.

The stress caused by what Henry is going through causes Camille to become ill. Louise struggles with the dilemma of doing what is right for the country, or causing her family more harm – a choice that Marie often faces as well: honour vs. family.

Marco employs a notorious Banksy’esque underground artist to create a powerful street art campaign that offers a rallying cry to the resistance. The revolution is beginning to take shape. But who will lead it?

Increasingly under siege and paranoid, Henry startles Louise by offering her a senior position on his staff. If he can’t trust his own daughter, who can he trust??

Louise is torn. If she accepts the position, she may be able to accomplish her mission and get the government back on track from the inside, restore her family’s honour, and avoid all of the dangers and bloodshed inherent in a full on revolution.

The FBI exposes the Russian as the source of the hack, but before the investiga- tion is complete, Henry coerces him into admitting that he fabricated all of the data. The Russian complies and Henry is off the hook.

Henry’s exoneration deals a blow to Louise and the Resistance, and a horrified Louise wonders if accepting her father’s offer is now her only real chance to affect change. But can she really join him now after everything that he’s done?

Ultimately, Louise feels obliged to continue to fight the good fight and turns down her father’s offer, creating a new tension within the family.

Inspired by the idea of having someone inside the government, Louise introduces Roxy to a senior member of Henry’s staff. Roxy begins a relationship with him that she hopes will provide inside information as to the government’s activities and their awareness of the Resistance.

The Jeweler, a longtime family friend, reveals to Camille that Louise sold Marie Antoinette’s crucifix for over $10 million. Camille and Henry become suspicious of Louise and question why she would need that money.

As Camille becomes increasingly ill, she slips Louise a copy of her husband’s coded journal. She too is becoming concerned about the family legacy and certain shady acts she suspects that her husband may be involved in...

Marco decodes the journal and it reveals a dark secret that, were it to become public, Louise feels would finally rid her father from office.

Louise leaks the secret from the journal, but the information turns out to be false – the journal was a trap set by Camille, and Louise is now exposed as the one who has been trying to dethrone him all along...

As with Marie’s identity becoming exposed in America at the end of Season 1, Louise’s secret is also now exposed and her life in grave danger...



Beyond Season 1, we’ll watch Marie continue her transformational journey, as she rehabilitates her reputation, lives life on her own terms, and slowly amasses the wealth and influence that ultimately lead us to the dynastic family that we see in modern day New York...

To escape the French mercenaries, Marie flees to Lower Canada (Quebec), where she is welcomed by the local French population. (Lower Canada was formerly called New France, after all). Tired of the way the British have been ruling over them, the French here encourage Marie to lead them in a rebellion against her old enemies – the British. This is the first time that Marie has felt truly supported and encouraged to lead. Imagine Marie leading a revolution – the irony! With Washington’s support, (he rebuffed the British with her aid earlier) is there a chance she could indeed pull this off...?

While Marie takes refuge in Quebec, Axel and Swan trap and kill the mercenaries sent to return her to France. President Washington persuades France to let Marie live peacefully in the U.S. France relents - Washington’s debt to Marie now repaid.

Axel finds Marie in Quebec, where she is wrestling with the idea of leading the French. Axel informs her of Washington’s deal with France, and Marie realizes that she would now be safer in the U.S., since Washington will now be less inclined to do her the favours necessary to rule Quebec. She returns to America where her safety is now at least assured.

Back in America, Axel and Swan now vie for Marie’s hand and she again is forced to choose between a happy but simpler family life with Axel, and a path that could lead her to prominence again with Swan, but at what cost?

At the turn of the century, Thomas Jefferson is elected President. Marie has learned from her connections in France that Napoleon is rapidly running out of money to fund his marauding through Europe and, with this knowledge, she inspires Jefferson to make a deal that will change America forever – the Louisiana Purchase (in so doing almost doubling the size of the US)....

With her reputation having been rehabilitated through a number of good works in America, Jefferson now sees Marie much differently than he did during his time as Ambassador to France. He rewards her for her part in the Louisiana Purchase by letting her govern this new, largely French, parcel of America. For the first time since ruling in France, Marie is back in power, now a transformed woman and rul- ing with the blessing of both the people and the President of the United States...

After a successful first term as president, Jefferson – a long-time widower – proposes to Marie prior to running for his second term. If Marie accepts this stunning offer she would become First Lady and, in essence, complete her rise to the status of “Queen” again...

After the fall of Napoleon, a resurgent royalist movement in France encourages Marie’s son Louis Charles (the rightful heir to the throne) to return to France as King. (In reality, Marie’s brother-in-law took the throne as Louis XVIII, but Louis Charles would have been next in line had he lived). After how Marie and Louis XVI were treated in France, Marie naturally has mixed feelings about her son ruling there. She knows first-hand the horrible price that royals can pay at the hands of the French.

But wouldn’t a return to Versailles as mother of the King of France be the ultimate triumph and conclusion to Marie’s journey? Or would it be yet another cautionary example of history repeating itself...?


Beyond Season 1, we’ll see Louise emerge from the shadows to finally become the face and leader of the Revolution and, in parallel to Marie’s own ascent in America, lead the full-on revolution that the people are demanding...

In retaliation for Louise’s betrayal, Henry frames her for treason.

As Roxy continues her relationship with Henry’s senior advisor, she worries that he may be using her just as much as she is using him...

Just as Marie must flee to Quebec to elude the French mercenaries, Louise is forced underground to avoid capture by the government.

Louise is finally captured and thrown in prison. Marco works frantically to prove her innocence, but she is ultimately convicted of treason and, like Marie during the French Revolution, is sentenced to be executed.

Marco and the Resistance manage to arrange a last minute escape and Louise narrowly avoids execution.

Before Louise is recaptured, Marco, Roxy and key members of the Resistance pull out all the stops to prove her innocence and that she was framed by her father.

Marco is ultimately successful in exposing the truth. Louise is exonerated, the country is further outraged, and Henry’s impeachment trial begins.

With millions of people now rallying behind Louise, she finally becomes the public face of the Revolution.

Henry’s Vice President assumes the Presidency and extends an olive branch to Louise, offering her the newly vacant position of VP. But with Henry now head- ing to prison, the government in tatters and the people demanding a dramatic change, Louise considers running for the Presidency herself…


With its unique blend of the modern-day and the historic, of intrigue, romance, mystery and adventure, we feel that Revolutions can attract a wide, passionate audience. Its prevailing themes, scenes of social unrest, plots of political revolutions, and characters famous for being famous all seem more relevant today than ever before.

Given the public’s continued fascination with royalty, and the ongoing popularity of series such as The Crown (young Queen Elizabeth), Victoria (young Queen Victoria), The White Queen/Princess (Edward IV, 1400’s), Reign (Mary Queen of Scots, 1500’s), Versailles (Louis XIV, 1600’s), and most recently The Great (Catherine the Great, 1700’s) royal watchers should delight in seeing one of history’s most infamous queens presented in such an original way.

Of course, Marie Antoinette still manages to capture headlines today, as when her jewelry appears at auction - recently smashing records when her pearl and diamond pendant sold for a whopping $36 million.

History buffs will be hooked by the incredibly rich period in which Marie’s storyline takes place – bursting with famous figures and significant events. Followers of series such as The Diplomat and House of Cards will find no shortage of political intrigue thanks to the Louise Antoinette storyline. Fans of romance high-concept historical fiction such as Outlander will find similarly original elements here.

Fans of the podcast can get further immersed in the world of Revolutions through a sister podcast and rich multi-platform social media experience that - via archival documents, interviews with historians, virtual tours of Versailles and more - reveal the many fascinating real-life stories and inspirations behind the series.

As such, we feel that Revolutions will deliver an original, relevant, and compelling, new podcast series. We look forward to discussing it with you further.

Broadcast by